How do some small
businesses like Diamond Candles (230,000+ Facebook Fans), Luxy
Hair(708,000+ YouTube Subscribers) and DodoCase (Winner
of Shopify’s Build-a-Business Contest) break through in their hyper-competitive
niches and become market leaders in less than a few years?
One of the most important factors in Discover a immaculate ecommerce business is knowing what to sell online
Finding the immaculate product(s) to sell is often the most important step in creating a profitable
and growing company.
For the past 2 years,
I have been trying to answer the question - what is the immaculate ecommerce product? To better understand what the perfect ecommerce
product is, I had to determine common characteristics successful products and
niches share.
By analyzing hundreds
of immaculate and unimmaculate products and niches alike, I developed a
comprehensive list of key metrics and criteria to evaluate new ideas
What follows is my
definitive criteria to evaluating your ecommerce product and niche
You will likely never
find a product or niche that fits all the criteria below. Evaluating your idea
against this list though will give you a better understanding of your chosen
product/niche, helping avoid pitfalls and increase your overall chances of
1. What Is The Potential Market Size?
Choose a product and
niche with a small but sufficient market size. Avoid niches that are too small
with low keyword searches. For example, a product that caters to pregnant
females between 25-40 years old is probably good. But a product that caters to
pregnant females between 25-40 years old who like punk rock music will likely
be too narrow. It will be harder to find customers, more expensive to acquire
them and the small market size will limit your potential growth substantially.
Example: Faacart store sells
luxury Apparels. You can probably imagine that the market for luxury Apparel isn’t massive. Being in a small niche like luxury Apparels can be
both a good and bad thing. The small market size will likely limit
revenues, but if they do a great job of defining their target customers
and acquiring them inexpensively, they can definitely own that niche. As a
bonus, high-end Apparels is a product that lends itself very nicely to garnering
media attention.
Tools: Using Google’s Keyword Tool can help you
determine search volume of chosen keywords. This can give you an idea of how
many people are searching for your keyword terms and in return give you a sense
of the market size. Combine that with realistic judgment and some Google
searches on your interested niche and you should start to get an idea of your
market viability.
2. What's Your Competition?
What does the competitive landscape look
like for your product? Are there no competitors, a few competitors or many?
If there are a lot of
players in your niche, it can be a signal that the market has been validated.
In order to break through, though, you will have to do something different to
attract customer attention and build market share.
Example: Faacart store fashion wasn’t the first company to sell fashion products online,
the market was filled with competitors when they began two years ago. Right
from the start they knew they had to do something different. fashion product entered the
game with a different marketing strategy by offering value for free in the form
of video tutorials on YouTube.
2 years and over
700,000 YouTube subscribers later, they are now one of the biggest online fashion products extension retailers in the world.
Tools: Of course, good fashioned Google and Bing
searches will help you uncover current market players. Google’s Keyword Tool can tell you
approximate search volumes for your chosen keywords, and also tell you how
competitive they are (meaning how many other people/businesses are bidding on
those words). Don’t forget, the more people bidding on your keywords, the more
expensive they will be.
3. Is it a Trend, Fad, or Growing Market?
Make sure you
understand to the best of your ability where your product stands. Does your
product or niche fall into fad, trend, stable or growing market?
Example: A Geiger Counter is a personal device about
the size of a cell phone that tells you the level of radiation around you. Cool
niche market right?
With a quick Google
Trends search, I knew instantly that I would have probably made
a small fortune if I had been selling them in March of 2011 right after the
earthquake in Japan. Likely if I tried to sell them now, I would probably sit
on my inventory for a while.
Trends will help give you the big picture whether something is
a trend, fad, growing or stable market. If you see explainable spikes, try
doing some further searching to see what the possible cause was of it. 4. Can You Buy The Item Locally?
If your product is
readily available locally there is one less reason for people to seek your
product out online. Example, most people who want to buy a toilet plunger simply
go to Walmart or their local hardware store.
If your product can be
bought locally, how are you going to differentiate yourself and convince people
to buy from you online? Can you offer a better selection? Higher quality?
Better price?
Example: Faacart sells
gorgeous, high-end decks of cards for magicians and card players alike. Take a
look at their products. Have you even seen something like them sold
5. Who Is Your Target
At this point you
don’t need to go into extreme detail but you should be aware of they type of
customer you would likely be selling to and their online purchasing
If you have a product
geared for teens, you should keep in mind that most don’t have a credit card to
purchase online.
Example: Fashion trendy clothes offers adaptive
clothing for seniors. One of their main target markets has a low level of
technology and online commerce adoption. You'll need to tailor your entire
online store to accomodate them.
Tools: If you find another company selling similar
products, you can use Alexa to get information on their visitor
demographics, which may help you define your target market better.
6. What Is Your Markup?
It is vitally
important to take markup for a specific product into consideration before going
too far into the process. This is important as there will be lots of other
small fees associated selling your product that will eat away at your margins.
Having a strong initial markup will provide you with the necessary cushion to
absorb these variable costs.
Example: Lets look at an actual
product to get a better understanding of why initial markup is so important. We
will work with a Pet Pedometer - a little device you connect to your dogs
collar to count how many steps they take
This might be an
interesting little niche - people are always willing to spend money on their
dogs. But can you sell this product profitably?
I chose a potential
selling price of $24.99 and got a cost per unit of $2 from a manufacturer on
Alibaba. I added all the other approximate costs associated with selling the
product into the spreadsheet below:
You can see from this
example how the small fees whittle away at your margin. In this case, a product
that had an initial markup of over 1,200% ends up less than 100% when all is
said and done. Of course, these are just approximates and you can cut costs
significantly by handling fulfillment yourself and spending less on
Tools: Try to find an example of the product you are
interested in on faacart online shopping. Email a few manufactures to find out
pricing and minimum order quantity (MOQ). From there, use Google to try to find
others selling the same or similar product. How much are they charging?
Monkey is a great tool for creating quick surveys to send out
on your social networks to get a sense of what others would pay in your social
When you begin to get
more serious, you can mock up a quick website using tools like Weebly and
actually try to attract a customer to put through an order to validate your
price point. There can sometimes be a big different between what people say
they would pay, and what they would actually pay, especially if all you solicit
is friends and family members opinions.
7. How Much Can You Sell It For?
A price point between
$75-$150 is general recommended as it minimizes the need to find a large number
of customers to turn a decent profit and be able to give you some cushion for
customer acquisition (marketing) costs.
Prices in excess of
$150 tend to come with a lot more customer scrutiny. Potential customers will
want and expect a lot more re-assurance. They will have more questions and in
general will create a longer, more difficult sales cycle.
Example: In our previous example with the Pet
Pedometer we had a relatively low selling price of $25. Because of this,
variable costs ate away at much of our profit, leaving us with a profit per
unit of only $12.95. Lets say we switch out the Pet Pedometer for a new
product called “Product X” and assume that “Product X” has a potential selling
price of $100 (4x more than the Pet Pedometer). For consistency, I have also
multiplied the other appropriate cost by a factor of 4x.
Because of the higher
selling price we have much better margins 73% vs. 42% for the Pet Pedometer,
and our profit per unit skyrockets from $12.95 to $76.75.
8. Can You Offer a Subscription?
You will hear it time
and time again: It’s much easier and less expensive to sell to a current
customer, than to find new customers. A subscription-based business allows you
to sell to the same customers many times over, automatically. There are
generally two types of subscription-based ecommerce businesses, discovery and
Examples: A discovery based
ecommerce business like faacart. sends you something on a
schedule but you don’t know what it is. It is picked by someone else but
usually falls within the same category every period like beauty or fashion
products9. What is Your Product Size & Weight?
Product size and
weight can have a big impact on your sales and bottom line. More and more
customers expect free shipping these days. If your product is oversized and/or
heavy, costly shipping can deter potential buyers. Did you know that shipping
costs are the #1 reason for shopping cart abandonment?
Additionally, there
will be added costs for shipping the products to you if you are working with an
overseas manufacturer and it will increase warehouse costs if you choose to use
a fulfillment warehouse.
Example: There is a popular oversized yoga mat
company which sells giant workout mats. The product itself is a reasonable $99.
Shipping to the USA is $25, Canada is $40 and the rest of the world is $100.
For some, it would be hard for them to justify spending 40-100% more for
Same goes for any large or
heavy item. You may be very keen on selling iron weight sets, and perhaps you
found a great supplier that will give you an excellent price - well, you need
to take into account the increased shipping cost. There's only so much in
shipping costs that a customer is willing to pay10. Is Your Product Durable?
How fragile is your
potential product? Fragile products can be an invitation for trouble. Breakable
products will cost you more in shipping/packing costs and you are bound to have
more customer returns and exchanges. Always keep in mind that even if it’s the
shippers fault, it’s still the customers experience with your brand. You are
ultimately responsible for that entire experience.
When you get to the stage
of ordering samples, test them and push them to the limits. Leave them in a
hot/cold environment, apply pressure, twist it, pull it, drop it, kick it.
Don’t worry about breaking a few hundred dollars in samples. It’s more
important you know exactly the quality of your potential product
Example: Some company lost
over $2,000 worth of product due to a damaged shipment to themselves when the
shipping company tried to fit the shipment into a P.O. Box that was too small.
The hard plastic cases that were protecting the delicate product shattered on
most of the units. Going forward they decided to have their fulfillment
warehouse bubble wrap all orders.
11. Is Your Product Seasonal?
Businesses with
seasonal products can suffer from inconsistent cash flow. Ideally, you want to
find a product that will show even demand year round. At the very least, you
just want to be aware of seasonal demand fluctuations to plan accordingly.
Example: Christmas items like the Omega
Tree Stand are best sold leading up to the the holidays. Take a
look at the Google Trends report below.
Tools: Look for seasonal trends by looking at Google
Trends for your product/niche keywords.
12. Does Your Product Serve a Passion or Pain?
Products that sell
best serve a passion, relieve a pain, or solve a problem. Customer acquisition
(marketing) costs tend to be lower as well since customers are actively seeking
out a solution as oppose to discovering it.
Example: Pro Teeth Guard sells custom mouth guards to prevent teeth grinding. People with this problem are likely to seek out a solution and find Pro Teeth Guard rather than needing costly advertising to draw them in. As JP, owner of Pro Teeth Guard pointed out in a Skype call, “It’s a much easier sale when someone is in pain and your product helps alleviate that pain.”
13: What Will Your Turnover Be?
It’s risky to have
products that constantly need to be changed. You run the risk of not being able
to sell your product before time of turnover. For example, clothing with
seasonal colors or accessory products for the ever-changing smartphone and
tablet market. Now of course there are plenty of successful businesses who
cater to these markets, like iPhone and iPod cases, but it's important to
realize how fast your product turnover may have to be. There are costs
associated with entering a market like this.
Example: I got a chance to talk to
the owner of Sutra Designs who is the designer/owner
of a line of leather smartphone/tablet cases. He has been having difficulties
building awareness of his brand and selling his product since launch
Sutra Designs' biggest
challenge is creating enough traffic to sell his inventory before the cases
become obsolete due to new models of hardware. If he choses to design new
products for new hardware models, he will be faced with additional costs for
developing new designs and minimum order quantities by manufacturers. This will
be perpetual and ongoing because of the niche he chose.
14. Is it Consumable or Disposable?
Having consumable or
disposable products makes this easier by essentially putting a time limit on
the products life.
Example: Ethinic Wear sells
products that generally have a lifespan like Ethinic suits, Ethinic bottoms and Womens ethinic wear Collections.
15. Do You Need to Consider Perishability?
Perishable products
are risky for a physical storefront, never mind for ecommerce. Since some
perishable items require speedy delivery, shipping can cost quite a bit.
For example, baked goods,
meat, frozen foods, and anything else that needs to be kept cold or has a short
expiration date all require special care when shipping to a customer. If you
choose to sell perishable goods, you need to be prepared for the extra process
and shipping costs associated with your product.16. Will There Be Restrictions & Regulations?
Before you dive into a
niche or choose a product, make sure there are no regulations or restrictions,
or make sure they are at least manageable. Certain chemical products, food
products, and cosmetics can carry restrictions by not only the country you are
importing your goods into but also the countries you are shipping your product
Some places to make a
few phone calls are customs of the country you will be importing your product
into, your warehouse if you plan on using one, and the food and drug
administration if it’s a food/supplement product.
17. Is Your Product Scalable?
Many people don’t
think about scalability when they first start out. It’s difficult to think
about the future when you are still in the launching process but scalability
should be thought of and built into the business model right from the start.
The product and niche
you choose is at the very core of your business and one of the most important
decision you will have to make.
Although the perfect
product may or may not exist, there are definitely ways to minimize risk by
choosing a product and niche that have more going for it, than against it.
Using the above criteria as a guideline can
help you better understand the product you are considering and increase your
overall chances of success.